Returns and Refund Policy

To return your order, please email us at [email protected]

We have a 180 Days Money Back Guarantee. That means that if you try our products and you're not satisfied you can return them for a full refund. If you’re a USA-based customer we will provide you with a prepaid shipping label at no cost to you. The condition to benefit from this guarantee is that you actually try our products. If you need to cancel your order in full, the return shipping costs must be borne by you.

If you’re based outside the USA, the costs of sending the package back to us must be borne by you.

Once your package is returned and processed at our warehouse, we will issue a refund for your order. Please note that our warehouse return processing time is 5-7 business days.

Returns must be sent to the following address:

Dr. Love's Supplements

8152 S. Welby Park Dr.

West Jordan, UT 84088-5911

Phone: 888-775-5289